Jeffrey and Wilfred will take care of the MTTC stored-value card for the ttClub during Andrew’s handicap for the next few months. After having talked to Jeffrey on the replenishment of our MTTC stored-value card, we would like to propose/implement a new charging scheme for attending our Saturday practice/exercise at the MTTC.
Herewith below are the events for your reference and perusal:
1) started our ttClub with MTTC stored-value card after having accepted Raimondi’s tournament in April 2012 (it was postponed to July);
2) participated events since then: a friendly game with LSC; a fundraising tourney by the Lions Club; and a friendly game with DBS;
3) to attend the joint-school tournament on 10th August 2013 (9 schools with 12 teams);
4) to attend the tourney by Lions Club this year;
Propose and implement the following as of today:
5) member and/or non-member will pay $5 for each practice session;
6) member has privilege to prepay a lump-sum of his choosing, thus, he does not have to pay in cash every time;
7) thus, we can build up a slight surplus at the end of each replenishment to fund various tournaments and/or other incidental expenses for the team;
8) a detailed attendance account will be kept as usual;
9) the one-time $10 credit will be credited to the personal account of Bill, Michael, John and Andrew, due to their infrequent attendance (=< 8 sessions); and
10) hoping this new charging scheme can attract more participants from now on.