Henry, 1956
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56 Waterloo Road Kowloon
[youtube_sc url=”RKUfZz-zp24″ rel=”0″]
Fr Anthony Farren, RIP
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
From 50th Anniversary of ’65 album
Charles Wat Hok Chung (’72) R.I.P.
Pius Lee writes, “Charles Wat Hok Chung (5C, Junior B, WYK 72) just passed away in Texas this morning, 20/04/2015, due to lung cancer.”
“Thanks for sharing the sad news. My condolences to the family.” ~ Johannes 李允能 (Chairman of Student Council, 1972) Cary, NC.
“May he RIP.” ~ Stephen Ng Tin Hoi
“He will be missed by all!” ~ Andrew Kam Cheung Lung
“Indeed bad news!”
Haven’t seen Wat since the early 70’s but the time we spent together in scouting was as vivid as yesterday’s happenings. When I was PL of Antelope, Wat was my Patrol Second and was thoroughly helpful. His big build rendered him always took up a lot more stuff… carrying the heavy canvas tent, bamboos, etc than other scouts in walking the 8-miles journeys… and many other fond memories.
Indeed miss him, and wish him peace and happiness in the kingdom of God.” ~
盲佬Vincent Au Kwok Chuen
“Sounds like he is in the same line of Junior B scouts we all belonged to …. condolences.
8 mile journey ! have not heard that term for over 40 years … yes fond memories.” ~Fred Hsu Continue reading
Air Scout 50th Anniversary Project Update __ Kenneth Wu (2007)
Please visit https://sites.google.com/site/wykairscoutproject50/
Oct 29 1967 Sunday
Four columns, 3 to a rank, in close formation, Gray uniforms a hundred strong……it was the largest contingent of 11th Kln scouts ever to march out of 56 Waterloo Rd.
Four Troops, the strongest we have ever been, marching smartly through the streets of Causeway Bay, on their way to SoQuanPo Stadium for the annual celebration of the Feast of Christ the King.
The Seniors on point, in full strength that day, more than half have QS on their sleeves, and even more Bushman’s Thongs on the rest of their shoulders. In another year, all those that were there marching that day would be a QS too. They were the pride of our Group, the resurgence of confidence and esprit de corp.
The two Junior Troops, the core strength of us, representing the hope of our future years. No slouch these boys – having won 5 banners and trophies in Competitions colony-wide among them thus far in ’67.
Bringing up the rear, the newly formed Air Scouts with their gray berets and gold insignia, the first Air Scout Troop in Hong Kong, and the first time their unique uniforms were shown to the public and other Scout Groups.
Up Caroline Hill Rd, as we turned the last bend, the stands of the stadium came into view.
Headed into the wind, the Colour bearer let loose the silk, and the White & Blue, golden tassels streaming, unfurled.
Even the last rank of the formation could see the Group Colour snapping in the breeze on point up ahead, and felt the power of the columns of Gray marching in cadence.
200 meters to the gate across the road, we paused, and heard the thundering of a hundred pair of feet marking time on the pavement, and felt the tremour.
And then we surged ahead, a flying wedge, led by the White & Blue into the stadium.
The 11th Kln fielded the largest contingent that day, half the length of the football field honour guarded by a long line of Gray, proudly in support of ‘Ad majorem Dei Gloriam’.
I was there, together with the hundred in 11th Gray, and just like them, full of pride and confidence.
And out of this line of Gray, within 5 years, until the uniform changed, 32 Queen’s Scouts were to emerge.
I remember that to this day, some 47 years ago……MY 11th Kln Group, still mine’s.
Our White & Blue, long may it stand proud and strong.
on St. Patrick’s Day
To those Fathers who came away from Ireland and ended up at 56 Waterloo Rd, we honour and remember you.
For boys in their formative years to learn what dedication, devotion to duty, and a man for others meant, it was a life gift. Thank you…