
We have confirmed to hold the homecoming event on Sat, Nov 5 from 9 am to 12:30 pm on WYK campus (more details will be provided when it comes closer to the event date).
Please invite more other old boys to join the event. This is a rare chance where Scouts and Scouters from different eras can meet and share their 11th KG experience.
I was recently in touch with Julian Chan Ping-tim. Unfortunately he’s now staying in Australia, and will only be back in HK on 21 Nov.

Best wishes,
p.s. I am also copying David Cheung, our current Scout Leader and Discipline Master at WYK.

《Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of Air Scout — Updates》__ Kenneth Wu

Air Scout StoryProject Kickoff
• Albert Chiu (’95 – Former Air Scout Troop SL) and I have been reaching out to Air Scouts   alumni, they are all supportive and willing to contribute to this project.
• Launched an official website to promote the project 

Project Purpose
• To celebrate the golden jubilee of Air Scout Troop
• To document Troop’s history and achievements in the last 50 years
• To interview with Queen’s Scout Awardees and share their success
• To leverage this opportunity to raise funds for Fr Cunningham scholarship with the aim of recognising current outstanding members of AST and VASU
• To strengthen the bonding between alumni and current air scouts Continue reading

at St George’s Day

The year was 1966.
There were 7 of us that went up at the St George’s Day Rally that year, the largest contingent of Queen’s Scouts from one single Group. It was also a resounding come-back after a 5 year drought for 11th Kln.

Not until X’mas Group camp late ’65 were the seven of us able to gather around, and over strong tea after campfire finally managed to have a sit-down chat. Only then did we realize that most of us have completed the requirements and waiting for district & HQ processing, the rest were a hair from it. That night, the realization that the pursuit was at last over, and that we may well be making history, put us into a giddiness that kept us from falling asleep, tired as we were.

On April 24, George Law (DC Yaumatei, himself a 11th QS) visited us on the field and said 4 words “Well done, thank you”, exact same words Father C said back in February. They probably didn’t know how much that meant to us boys.
We checked each other for uniform correctness, and went over to the form-up. Sir David Trench actually went through all three ranks and handed out certificates to each.
Salute, left hand shake, right hand receive…and just like that, 2 years+ of blood and sweat affirmed.
Right turn, QSs forward, march off, and it was done. That was my first milestone. I was barely 17.

Fr Cunningham was standing by the Group Colour, waiting for us to return. I remembered side-glancing smilingly at 大享, took a breath, with chests up, we marched purposefully up to the White & Blue, overwhelmed by feelings of elation, pride and satisfaction.

With that memory still intact, exactly fifty years have elapsed.

Henry, Kenneth, 柴記, 儍妹, S³, I hope you’re all still well.
(大享 passed away same year in July)1966

《On this day, 50 years ago…》__Leo Chu

Leo_50yearsAgo  SeniorScout
This piece of green & gold taught me to stay focused, to look beyond the bends what possibilities may exist, reminded me time and again the resilience I can muster, and fortified me for the many ups and downs over the 50 year journey.
I remembered and kept the first promise I ever made on my honour, and stayed the course. Now in the autumn of my years, I came to realize what a profound influence it did cast, and what it is amongst a brotherhood I am privileged to be counted.
And by now I think I have earned the right to write my own epitaph :
“Dared to be different, independent, self-reliant, alone”
My dear friends, go forth, I hope you have as rewarding a journey in the years ahead.