The 50th Year

“T’was so good to be young then, to be close to the earth. Now the green leaves of summer, are calling me home…”.

And just like that, 50 years have elapsed, the boys that were invested under the stars are now in their sixties.
This year, we’ll come together once more, and rally around our flag again for the 50th Anniversary.
Thank you for being there, then and now.
The journey continues.

A digital, 90%+ accurate reproduction of the original Air Scout Troop flag that we designed, way back in 1967.
(image Edward Lam)


Henry Ku (56)                                      Tam SP (55)


【譚湘溥(多倫多)與古匡昌(夏威夷)同為九華,葛師同學又同期担任童軍領袖,共為旺角區,九龍地域服務.於木章訓練系統合作無間.及後在總會担任各職譚湘溥為人忠厚, 温文爾雅, 古匡昌則性格不同,喜怒不藏,性急氣燥,如今雖是耄耋老人, 相隔異地  仍合作學詩。】