Hong Kong Scout Association

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“The current Chief Commissioner Thomas 張智新 (5C ’69) and William 李家松 (’70 JA Scouter in the ’70) was appointed as Asst. Chief Commissioner in 2008.  William has been the Treasurer after his term of office of ACC.
Thomas was not a 11th Scout during the time at WYK, he joined the Seniors at 荃灣, and worked at the Fisheries Dept. In 2011, Donald Tsang (WYHK), who as 特首 and therefore Chief Scout of HK, appointed Thomas as CC.”

Minutes of 3rd Meeing

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                                                                                     Reference: summary131202-03D
Minutes of 3rd Meeting
on Thursday, 2nd December 2013 at Paramount Café Tiramisu

in attendance –
John Fung (65), Anthony Ho, Henry Lam (64), John Lee (57) and Andrew Tang (65)

Summary of Discussion Continue reading

The Jamboree Song

The jamboree song

March, march, march on the road with me

to the Boy Scout Jamboree

Join the throng & swing along

As we sing our song


Jamboree, jamboree

Come give three hearty cheers

And we’ll march along together

Another 50 years

Ging Gang Goolie


Ging gang goolie goolie goolie goolie watcha,/Ging gang goo, ging gang goo./Ging gang goolie goolie goolie goolie watcha,/Ging gang goo, ging gang goo./Hayla, hayla shayla, hayla shayla, hayla, oh-ho,/Hayla, hayla shayla, hayla shayla, hayla, oh./Shally wally, shally wally, shally wally, shally wally/Oompah, oompah, oompah, oompah…