1967…and ?

A Chinese New year puzzle from Mr Ho…dated Dec 31-1967

Who were they…and what were they doing there ?'67-Dec 31

L > R
Back 陳炳根 李永漢 何sir 朱健中 許兆偉 榮敬譽
Front 余國雄 朱銳材 趙鳳儔 尹耀星 陸本強
….but what brought scouters spanning 7 yrs together, in a restaurant, dressed semi-formally?


[youtube_sc url=”3e1YofNfJ6k” rel=”0″]

Photos are from the Shields.  Tong Wan-yeung (58) took the campfire photo. Julian Chan Ping-time (57) was a great singer at campfires.  Fr. McCarthy taught us campfire songs and scouters practised them with their scouts.  Yam Hin-bong (63) was already a professor of Tai Mong-chai.  There are Henry Lam (64),Tang Tong-por (67) and the late Robin Yung.  Where is Lee Wing-hon now?