Class of 65 scouts in Toronto
Raymond Lee, Francis Ho, Anthony Ho, BonBon Hu, John Fung, Andrew Tang.
Photo was taken at a dinner in Toronto to welcome BonBon from Vancouver on 2014/04/10. BonBon will be riding his motor cycle from west coast to east coast all by himself in this year. Read his 15-day motorcycling in
Fr. McCarthy teaching scout songs
Scouter Andrew So Kwok Wing is in the photo taken from The Shield, 1961.
Can you ID the scouts?
Click here to read an article on Fr. McCarthy.
Air Scouts 11th Kln New Year Camp 2014
Campfire 2014
Original posted at Fellows of 11th Kowloon by Albert Chiu ’95 / HKSAR Scout ’98, 11th Kowloon.
[youtube_sc url=”7SKiK12UqJg” rel=”0″]
Christmas Camp, 1960
Spring Banquet
Campfire in 1957 __ Julian Chan Ping-tim
Minutes of 4th Meeting
Reference: summary140212-04
Discussion on the 11th Group Meeting
on Wednesday, 12th February 2014 at Paramount Time Banquet Hall
in attendance –
John Fung (65), Anthony Ho, Henry Lam (64), John Lee (57) and Andrew Tang (65)
with copy – Francis Ho (65), Peter Wong (61), Jeffrey Mah (78)
Summary of Discussion Continue reading