Dinner Meeting with Andrew So (Acting GSM 1962-63)
HK Old Scouts in Toronto Reunion
In Toronto, HK old scouts in the 50s to 70s meet at least twice every year. At the dinner on September 18, 2014, there were more than 30 people singing scout songs and ended a happy evening with Till We Meet Again. Tam Sheung Po (WYK ’56 and a past Asst Commissioner), Anthony Ho and Stephen Ching (WYHK) were present.
Andrew Kam Cheung Lung (70) __ Fred Yip (71)
Is Andrew Kam the same person as 金鬼, the guy that we used to play soccer with on the sandy field before and after class at WYK?. I cannot tell from the dinner photo whether that was him or not, as I have not seen him for years. I never knew his real name anyway, and he got that nickname most likely because of all the phantom moves that he made on the soccer field. So I need confirmation on this. If indeed it is, then I would like to share a little anecdote with you all. By the way, Andrew Kam Cheung Lung is another student that Mr. Ho should know very well. When I looked up the Form 5 class photos in 1969-70 from Shield50, lo and behold, Mr. Ho was the Form 5D master cum Vice Principal, with Andrew Kam sitting on his right-hand side, implying that Andrew was also the class prefect. Continue reading
At WYKAAO Annual Picnic 140810
[left] Hugh Choy (from HK), A Ho, Stephen Ching (HKWY), Andrew Tang
[right] Peter Wong provides a roast pig every year.
Click the images for larger photos and here to view the album.
去年十月,六五同學暨十一旅童軍,張叔千、鄧偉燊、李平章、何芃芃、馮康泰、與其他親友,由康泰領隊遊四川。 在四川成都集合,部份成員提早到達,參觀武候祠,在隔壁錦里之三顧園酒樓喫午飯,品嚐特色菜肴「新錦囊妙計」、「火燒赤壁黃魚」、「關公骨」、「號角聲聲」、「草船借箭」、餃子、擔擔麵等,飯後遊杜甫草堂。 翌日正式開始團隊行程,參觀熊貓基地、都江堰、青城山、寬窄巷子、金沙遺址、三星堆、上峨嵋金頂、下樂山大佛、飛九寨黃龍、爬四千米山凹、遊黃龍彩池、九寨山水、大足石刻。 附沿途相片。