
[youtube_sc url=”3e1YofNfJ6k” rel=”0″]

Photos are from the Shields.  Tong Wan-yeung (58) took the campfire photo. Julian Chan Ping-time (57) was a great singer at campfires.  Fr. McCarthy taught us campfire songs and scouters practised them with their scouts.  Yam Hin-bong (63) was already a professor of Tai Mong-chai.  There are Henry Lam (64),Tang Tong-por (67) and the late Robin Yung.  Where is Lee Wing-hon now?

The Jamboree Song

The jamboree song

March, march, march on the road with me

to the Boy Scout Jamboree

Join the throng & swing along

As we sing our song


Jamboree, jamboree

Come give three hearty cheers

And we’ll march along together

Another 50 years

Ging Gang Goolie

Ging gang goolie goolie goolie goolie watcha,/Ging gang goo, ging gang goo./Ging gang goolie goolie goolie goolie watcha,/Ging gang goo, ging gang goo./Hayla, hayla shayla, hayla shayla, hayla, oh-ho,/Hayla, hayla shayla, hayla shayla, hayla, oh./Shally wally, shally wally, shally wally, shally wally/Oompah, oompah, oompah, oompah…

remember this?

“Here’s to all the happy hours, cheer for the HK Scouting

Here’s to all the comrades of ours, gathered here besides the sea….”

This was the first scout song I learned, and I sang it from tenderfoot to ASM, during a hundred campfires and hikes.

In the stillness of the night, with only the campfire crackling, boys sang…out of tune, out of key, out of tempo…but nonetheless belted out, with joyous abundance, this song and others. There was nothing quite like it …ever !

Moments of simple joy, seared into memories of a distant past, never to be forgotten……



Where are they?

img3Thanks to Leo, Stephen, Francis and YK, all the scouts in the above photo have been identified.
L-R standing…高志中(R.I.P), 賀爗樑(Toronto), 方顯章, 徐永祥, 何森林(Toronto), 黄玉衡, 陸履東, 李平章(Edmonton).

L-R front… 林民耀(Toronto), 李定贻(Zhuhai), 陳耀國(Ottawa), 袁子春(LA), 陸履歐, 何潤權(Hong Kong).
(at 井栏树 bus stop in 1962)
[Click the image for a larger photo]

The very first Air Scouts…1967

in the beginning...

in the beginning…

L-R Thomas Wan, Edward Lam, Michael Chu, Robert Doran, Doby Chow, Joseph Chu, Paul Lai, 高國璋, Samuel Tsien, William Yung, Felix Chiu, Peter Lo, Vincent Woo, John Liu, Victor Chen.
not in picture: David Chan(TL), David Hsieh, Anthony Leung.

We did it boys, it wasn’t just a dream or a flash, our Troop is still here…46 years later.

樹皮 VS 草皮

*  樹皮可不比草皮貴重⋯F1時在龍門後踢波仔,俾佢揸住架摌草機追 ;-p     —- Leo Chu

*  提到草皮, 又有古講。 F6/7 時, 需要蚯蚓来作解剖, 而校園草地, 遍地皆是, 尤其在大雨過後, 隨手都能拾到。但很多時, 等得不耐煩, 有同學想出妙法来, 在草地上施放「茶仔粉」, 然後灌水, 大小蚯蚓, 都鑽了出来, 立時大有收獲, 皆大欢喜。誰又会想到, 「施肥」的草, 立時死去, 留下一圈圈黄色枯草。我們又成了怪人的眼中釘。—- francho

*  你知啦,校tie, 校褸都綠色, 多少會影響校內的’绿化行動’。F1年代玩’豆槍’ (用豆作子彈), 上課前在廚房順手執些彈藥, 當然家家有罐不同的豆, 於是雨後, 在校園的戰塲上, 豆芽遍野, 黃豆,綠豆,眉豆,红豆, 百豆齊放, 蔚為奇觀, 連OK劉也莫名其妙!

‘草寇’難為, 著制服好過著草, 於是立地成’乏’, 披上戎衣, 當(童)軍去。
(這是當年, 近年可能愛爾蘭影響短缺, ‘華仁绿’少了很多, 看到’怪人’的前領域已淪為’冇草塲’, 實在心痛。)    —- Leo Chu